Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 40 Austin

Better day today.

Sean Maloney gave a powerful speech at Intel to a full house. He also gave a very  moving tribute to Don Brennen.

Amy Brennen, Don's daughter and campaign manager for Heart Across America followed with a beautiful tribute to her Dad and the Heart Across America mission. She had us all in tears and received a standing ovation.

This was soon followed by Sean trying out a hand-cycle that Greg Lakomski at Intel was able to find.

Sean looked great flying around the parking lot with his new found mobility.  A bit scary! I'm not sure how he was able to do this with his broken ribs, dislocated shoulder and 29 pins in his pelvis

He is going to go out with Greg tomorrow and do some practice riding and then join us on part of the ride we will be doing on Saturday with Michael Dell.

We then toured a bit of downtown Austin.

Walking around town

What a powerful sculpture..

I was also able to schedule an appointment with a cardiologist tomorrow just to be on the safe side before I continue to rack up high miles on a diet of restaurant food, powerbars and potato chips....


  1. Wise move with cardiologist. With the stress you are putting on your body, you should be on very regulated diet. #keepmoving

  2. Sure wish we could ride with you ... even for a day! Amazing to see Sean.

  3. Is it possible to get a recording of the event? It sounds very moving...

  4. Just waiting for the Mississippi routes to open so I can sign up. I'll see you on May 10th. And I'll bring some kale chips for you, just kidding.

  5. Thank you for keeping us updated on your progress and for sharing your thoughts through this journey. Don was a friend of ours and will be really missed but I do know he is proud of what you are doing!! Blessings to all of you!!

  6. I really appreciate everyone's comments. It helps to know you're all out there. It is also therapeutic for me to sit here and reflect on each day. Thank you and keep the feedback coming!

  7. Dave,
    Your efforts and stamina, emotional, mental and physical are an inspiration. Words do not come easy to describe my admiration.

    Michael Lynch
